Low Testosterone and what to do about it Part II

Continuing the discussion from the last podcast of low testosterone in men and some lifestyle and supplemental recommendations. The number of cases of below normal range of testosterone in men of all ages is unprecedented today. This is no longer an issue that only a few people have had deal with. Rather it has become far more ...

Men and Low testosterone…What you can do about it and why Testosterone Replacement Therapy won’t be effective unless you focus on these things first.

ow testosterone isn’t something that just happens to men...Of course getting older is a reason for everything to decline...But guess what??? It really doesn’t have to be. This is especially true about testosterone for Men.First off...Lets understand how this happened. The number one killer for men’s testosterone level is ...

Italian Lemon Ricotta Cake

This Italian Lemon Ricotta Cake is refreshing and delish! It is light and a great dessert any time. I topped it with blueberries and lemon curd which made it light and refreshing! Keto Italian Lemon Ricotta Cake This Keto Italian Lemon Ricotta Cakes tastes amazing - you won't miss the flour! It is light ...

Feed a Fever, Starve a Cold…Why being in nutritional ketosis will make you feel a whole lot better.

It’s just an old 'wive’s tale’ so you thought. The fact that if you have a bacterial infection fasting (being in ketosis) might just save your life. On the other hand, if you have a viral (flu) infection you might want to have a good meal. Learn How auto-phagy and being on a low carb high fat ketogenic diet will ...

What you need to know about oxidative priority of your foods…it’s the ultimate mix of fuel for you.

This sounds pretty esoteric...Oxidative Priority...But it really means the order in which your body (you metabolism) must burn it’s fuel. Alcohol is number one. It must be burned off because it can't be stored...But when you are ‘burning your alcohol’ you are NOT burning anything else...Your carbs are being stored ...